Becoming a real Visual Basic developer

14 years ago, at 1993 I started programming using Microsoft Visual Basic 3 (while teaching C; for all you language racists :)
During computers BA studios, I founded a company called InfoDesk with Nir Meshulam, and we developed small business applications for local offices. Rapidly creating windows application within minutes, connecting to databases with data binding controls, grids and using VBX (third party controls). Sorry for being geek but this was awesome.

Over the years I was working using lots of languages and technologies (C,C++), including VB4 (16bit and 32bit), VB5, VB6 and VB.NET

Few months ago I had the opportunity to lead the development of VB.NET 2.0 run-time at Mainsoft.
We wrote the Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll run-time using VB.NET and share its source with the mono project community.

I feel like a cycle is completed.

More Info:

Miguel de Icaza's and Novell announce the support for Visual Basic.NET

VB history at Microsoft

VB page at mono
Copyright © Rafael Mizrahi Urang-kurai