GarageGeeks Sessions: Developing Mobile Apps

GarageGeeks are happy to invite you to a session about: developing mobile apps.

Whether you have your own site, simply an idea for mobile app or interested to learn about new trends in the mobile development world, this session is for you.
We will discuss mobile development platforms with emphasize on Windows Mobile, iPhone and fring.

The sessions will include live coding demonstration and real world case studies.
Windows Mobile: Every developer is a mobile developer
- Avner Mor, GM, Telecom and Mobile Services, Microsoft R&D
- Guy Merin, Dev Manager, Windows Mobile, Microsoft R&D

Developing community mobile applications with fring API
- Avi Shechter, Co-founder and CEO, fring
- Itamar Kunik, API Team Leader, fring
- Alexander Zaidelson, Mobile Product Manager, Wefi

Developing for iPhone - First steps
- Gershon Kagan, iPhone consultant

** Don't forget to update the wiki with
stuff/food/drink that you will bring.

When: 15/1/2008 at 20:00
Where: GarageGeeks, 40 Hapeled St, Holon
See you there!
Copyright © Rafael Mizrahi Urang-kurai